Public Art Reimagining Tour
Engaging residents, community leaders, and stakeholders, this visioning process aims to broaden discussions regarding the role of public art in the city guided by the following principles: improve neighborhood life and safety; support economic development; create cultural destinations; and reflect inclusive processes.
Launched in October 2019, INVEST South/West's goal is to re-activate neighborhood cores that have historically served as focal points for pedestrian activity, shopping, services, transportation, public spaces and quality-of-life amenities for local residents.
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and the Department of Transportation (CDOT) identified priority investment corridors in each neighborhood for significant streetscape and public realm enhancements, including new roadways, sidewalks, light poles, bike lanes, landscaping and community plazas.
In order to align public art investment with CDOT corridor renovation projects and DPD investment strategies, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE), initiated a public engagement campaign, titled P.A.R.T.Y. (Public Art Reimagining Tour with You) to inform a Public Art Vision for each of these neighborhoods.
Artist-led engagement
During the Summer/Fall of 2022, the P.A.R.T.Y. campaign focused on four neighborhoods: Auburn Gresham, Austin, Bronzeville and Englewood. The artist-led engagement teams organized and hosted a series of public events in each neighborhood, including neighborhood walks, pop-up activities and community conversations.