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Guía y Talleres de Entornos Caminables Seguros

Urban Design + Training Workshops

In the absence of guidelines at the national level in Mexico that standardize the design of urban streets and prioritizes walkability, this guide generates design guidelines for access to essential public urban facilities. This guide was complemented with capacity building workshops to engage teams involved in implementation of public space and military projects in different municipalities in the State of Guadalajara.

The Guide aims to improve livability conditions in neighborhoods, contributing to a change in the urban paradigm that is reflected in the design of physical infrastructure. This guide develops, gathers, updates, adapts and documents basic and introductory but comprehensive information for those in charge of planning and building streets in Mexican medium cities. 

In collaboration with Laura Janka and Yetzi Tafoya, Borderless co-developed the primary section of the guide, which focuses on analyzing various dimensions of the surrounding areas of key urban facilities - schools, parks, health centers and public markets. The section also presents planning and design guidelines for the surrounding areas of these facilities through drawing exercises that contrast them before and after the application of the guidelines. Those drawings indicate the elements that are necessary to create facility surroundings that are safe, accessible, with a gender perspective and sustainable in a general strategy of development oriented towards sustainable transportation.   

A guide for walkable and safe social infrastructure

This document offers a framework and solutions for safe and walkable street and public realm design that addresses street elements, pedestrian, green, cyclist infrastructure, as well as public transportation and street calming.

Design solutions for safe and walkable access to schools

Four types of infrastructure where studied: schools, public markets, parks and health centers.

Case study: school after physical improvements
Case study: school before physical improvements

Prioritize typologies

Four typologies were identified as focus of these guidelines to analyze design principles, users, and scales of intervention and impact

Capacity building workshops

As part of the impact strategy of this Guide, we designed and implemented training workshops - both in-person and virtual directed at municipal technical teams involved with public infrastructure projects.

Training workshops (Puerto Vallarta, November 2023)